About Performance Equestrian
Performance Equestrian was formed in 2000 to bring a wide selection of equipment and products to the growing sport of Endurance riding.
However over the years we have expanded our products to include useful items forTrec competitors, Riding holiday participants Equine Adventurers and more recently competitors in the Mongol Derby Horse Race . Where we could not find exactly what we were looking for we designed and manufactured it ourselves, a principle that is ongoing.
Today our range is very much driven by what you, the riders, want and so we are constantly looking out for new products and equipment. All our products are comprehensively road tested by ourselves and a team of dedicated riders and horses, before selection, so you know they are fit for the job in hand.
We are proud sponsors of many equestrian competitions including Trec Championships, many Endurance GB, Sport Endurance and S.E.R.C major rides as well as sponsoring the GB Trec team and the Endurance GB British Team Development Squad, British Team Young Riders Squad and the British Team Elite Squad.
Steve Beresford